Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Every Vote Counts!

I was in high school and college in the Sixties. Like every other young female on the planet at that time, I adored the Beatles (Sorry, Ginnie! Trust me, no one will recognize you!). I wore love beads in college and participated in sit-ins on campus using the time to flirt with my boyfriend while others talked politics into the night. I offered to find a map to Canada for my brother when he became eligible for the draft during the Vietnam War. Then, keeping in step to my own unique drumbeat, I joined the Army. It's been an exciting life.

Amidst the twists and turns of that life, one thing I've consistently done is vote. It's been a privilege to do so. My generation is known as the "Baby Boomers." I only know that we're vast in number, we're getting older, and we still want to be heard. I like to think that we're still ready to rebel against the status quo if we think things need to change. I also want to think that we're older and wise enough now to realize that sometimes change has to start with us and that almost always, change will involve hard work and sacrifice, not handouts with "no strings attached."

So today I was up bright and early and out the door to vote soon after the polls opened. In fact, I braved the polls without makeup, coffee, or breakfast. From the looks of others in line, I wasn't the only one to do so. It felt good to greet my neighbor who always volunteers to log in voters on election days. It felt even better to hear her call out "New voter" to the fellow who watches you sign in. I heard that refrain at least 4 times just while I was waiting for an open booth. My husband reported that there were around 70 people in line waiting for the polls to open when he arrived to vote. There were about 30 in line when I joined the crowd.
And no matter who wins, I cast my vote and my voice will be heard. Groovy! What about you? Has America heard your voice today?

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