Saturday, March 27, 2010

Off On a Mother-Daughter Adventure

I headed off bright and early today for my daughter's home where I switched my bags over to her car and off we went.  She had some vacation days that she had to use up or lose and her hubby couldn't get time off from work so she asked if I wanted to go off on a mini-vacation with her.  Of course!  It was a beautiful day today and we were definitely headed in the right direction....towards the south.  You see, yesterday a cold front arrived in Pennsylvania and it had gotten down to the 20's last night so I was more than ready to head to warmer climes.

We hit a lot of traffic around the Washington, D.C. area and all the way until Richmond, VA.  It hadn't really dawned on us that it was Spring Break time but most of that traffic was probably college kids heading toward Myrtle Beach and Florida.  Lucky for us, we were heading to Raleigh, a college town that folks were probably leaving.

We finally made it here and got settled into our hotel.  We have a nice little living room/kitchen area and a separate bedroom.  Of course, the first thing we had to do was set up our computers and check our emails.  I love a hotel that has free internet access.  I can't believe that there are still hotels (and some pretty pricey ones, at that) that still charge extra for internet access.  For shame!  Anyway, we checked our mail and let our hubbies know we arrived safely before heading over to the mall that is right across the street to get supper.  Boy, was that mall crowded.  Each restaurant that we went to had around a 2 hour wait.  Forget that!  We finally got back in the car and drove around the mall area and found a Mexican restaurant on the outskirts of the mall with no waiting whatsoever.  The food was quite good, too.
On the way back, we stopped at a Barnes and Noble so I could pick up a book light for my Kindle.  That way, if I wake up early while we are here, I can read in bed without waking my daughter up.  Of course, I COULD go out into the living room to read but then I wouldn't be snuggled under the covers, right?  Luckily, this light came with batteries included.  It took me a moment to realize that the reason the light wasn't working was that the batteries were still encased in plastic wrap and needed to be unwrapped and reinstalled.  Duh!  But we're good to go now.
So all that is left is to get ready for bed and crawl under the covers with a good book.  Tomorrow we figure we'll have to get up early to get any breakfast since the hotel is filled to the brim with people.  Then it's off to a local church to enjoy their Easter service and after that, we are going to visit a flea market in the area.  It should be a fun day.  And the weather down here?  In the 70's!  How nice is that?  We actually have the air conditioning running right now.  I could grow to like this!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Sounds like a good time!