Friday, July 02, 2010

Five Ways to Wander

This week I've been contemplating the different ways I like to wander about.  Maybe it's the fact that it is summer and I always get that wanderlust.  Maybe it's the fact that the weather here in south-central PA has been absolutely glorious - just perfect for heading out somewhere, anywhere!  Or maybe it's just that I recently returned from a road trip to Michigan and back.  Whatever the case, this Friday's Fave Five will be centered around "Ways to Wander."

1.  Wandering in a new set of wheels - At the top of the news this week is the new car that the Commander purchased.  His old car was sounding more and more labored to the point of setting the dogs in the neighborhood to barking as he'd drive to and from home.  I was beginning to wonder if it was even going to make it to a dealership for trade-in.  Thankfully it did and we are back to a quiet neighborhood once again.

2.  Wandering through neat stores.  Today I stopped over at the local Farmers' Market.  It is open 3 days a week and I often go over on Fridays, when the bulk of the merchants come in and set up shop.  The place is a real treasure trove.

There are the usual produce stands.  But we also have some great bakery stands, a gourmet pet biscuit stand, quite a few meat stands, a coffee and tea vendor, and numerous little eating booths.   I usually pick up several bags of coffee when I go over there and then I just have to wander over and purchase several mini-sticky buns - to help support the local economy, don't you know?

3.  Wandering afar via Facebook pictures to keep up with loved ones overseas.  Our daughter-in-law reports that she is now known within their local community as "Ibunya Mika" which means "Mika's Mom."   Apparently, Mika is adored by one and all there.  I can certainly understand why.

4.  Wandering through memories.  I was talking with my mother this week and mentioned that her church where she grew up was having its 100 year anniversary this summer.  They will be having a special celebration, including a PowerPoint presentation of pictures and anecdotes from members.  When I asked her if she had any memories of attending the church services there so many years ago that she'd like to share with the committee, this is the story she told me:
    One Sunday, when Mom was a young girl, the weather had been particularly nice so the church doors were propped open while everyone sat inside.  The preacher was standing on the platform preaching when a cat wandered into the little sanctuary.  No one noticed at first but the little cat walked as boldly as you please right up the aisle and up to the preacher and proceeded to rub against his leg.  This was too much for the preacher who stopped what he was saying, grabbed the cat, and holding him out in front of him, said, "Would someone please put this cat outside?"  My grandfather, who could hardly EVER be dragged to church, just happened to be in church that day.  That was too much for Grandpa because he started to snicker and Mom remembers Grandma giving him a good dig in the ribs. 
     Aren't memories a fun way to wander back in time?

5.  Wandering through beautiful countryside.  As I was driving to visit Mom today, I again marveled at the beauty of Pennsylvania in the summer.  I found myself thinking, "If I were to dye a skein of yarn and call it 'Pennsylvania Summer', what would be the colors I would use?"  I think I would dye my skein several shades of green, add some sections of light robin's egg blue, and a few stripes of light gray for the roads that run through the countryside.  If we have to live through the crummy winters here, God surely rewards us with fabulous summers.

What have you been enjoying this week?  To see what others are writing about for their Fave Fives, visit Susanne's blog at Living to Tell the Story.


Brenda said...

Sounds like a great week. I love going to Farmers Markets and little local stores.

Lindsay said...

oo, your farmers market sounds so quaint! It sounds like you had a wonderful week!

Cindy said...

Everyone getting use to the new wheels. I'm still amazed at the dashboard and all it can do.

Wandering is an excellent way to take care of your FFF and the story your mom told with the cat is my F.

I didn't know you had such poor winters. I guess summer makes up for it. Nice choices on the colour of yarn if you ever get to dye a bunch or batch.

Karyn said...

I love the way you think! dying a skein of yarn to represent PA summer..... that thought makes me smile and I don't even knit!

That is so sweet that Laura is known as Mika's Mom.... your little angel must be a real ice breaker.

momma24 said...

What a neat story from your mom! Great five.

Susanne said...

100 year anniversary for a church. How awesome. And a fun memory your mom shared!

Enjoy your new car.

I love farmer's markets. We have a small one but when we go to the big city we go their huge one and it's so much fun!

Kari said...

Oh you had a great week wandering.
100 year anniversary - that's impressive. Congrats on the new car and isn't facebook great.
Happy Week.

Cathie said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on traveling and memories. Have a good week!