Friday, August 04, 2006

Son today, Gone Tomorrow

It's been a quick visit from my #1 son, Jason. He flew in from California a little over a week ago to help me drive out to Michigan. The plan was that we would help my brother get Mom's house ready to put on the market. It's been sitting empty for almost 5 years and it's time to sell it.

Jason flew into Baltimore and DH George and I drove down to meet him. From there it was a quick hop over to pick up daughter Laura and her boyfriend for supper before heading back up to PA. It was great to see the two siblings have the chance to catch up on what's been happening in their lives. It was a "proud mama" moment.

Of course I had to take a book along in the event that I'd find myself waiting awhile in the airport. I would have taken my knitting needles but a book is so much more portable when wandering a terminal, don't you think? This one was the Dog Whisperer's book. Yes, I have an errant dog named Fresca who you'll be hearing more about, I'm sure. Happily, I didn't have long to read before Jason came striding out of the gate looking tanned and healthy, considering he's been living and working with the L.A. urban poor. I WAS a tad worried. All right. I was a LOT worried.

The next day our adventure was to begin...the trip back to the land of my childhood. Michigan! But more on that in my next post. Suffice it to say, the best-laid plans of mice and men "gang aft aglay"

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