Saturday, November 20, 2010

T-Minus Two Weeks and Two Days

I've been a poor blogger lately but I think I might have a pretty good excuse.  You see, I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get ready for my upcoming trip to Indonesia.  The bed in one of our spare bedrooms has become a staging area for things I am setting aside to take with me.  So far, the bulk of the things on this bed are items either sent over from other family members for me to take over or things I'm gathering from a list of items that my family overseas wants me to pick up for them.  Boy, I wish the Commander was going with me.  I could use an extra set of hands.

Since I'll be gone for 5 weeks and missing Christmas and New Years with my family in the States, I've also been trying to get Christmas presents finished before I head out.  This has necessitated turning my other spare bedroom which doubles as a sewing room into a fabric staging area/assembly area.

Fresca the Wonder Dog has gotten used to me spending hours in this room running back and forth between the ironing board and the sewing machine and she now heads straight over to the futon and curls up on it to watch me patiently.

And I'm making progress.  I'm almost finished making my special pillowcases for the family.  Each year I gift family members with pillowcases geared towards a specific hobby or event that holds meaning to them.  It's always fun to try to find fabric that fits each person's personality.

So that's why I've been "hit-or-miss" up here.  Bear with me.  If my son can get his internet working overseas, I promise to be a very regular blogger of my adventures in Asia.  In the meantime, I hear that sewing machine calling my name.

1 comment:

Karyn said...

You are doing great to get so much done!