Friday, December 03, 2010

Jack Reacher Had It Right

It's Friday already?  Oh, say it ain't so!  Where has the week gone?  Of course it hasn't helped matters any that I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get ready for my upcoming trip to Indonesia.  Since this past week has been all about trying to prepare for my trip, I thought I'd dedicate my Friday's Fave Five items to "trip preparations."

1.  I've finished wrapping the Christmas presents that will remain here for my family staying behind.  I delivered all the gifts to my brother and his family over Thanksgiving so all that remains are the ones for my hubby and my daughter and son-in-law.  It certainly does feel good to have all the shopping finished for the holidays.  I have a few items that are still en-route to the house but the Commander can handle the wrapping of those when they arrive.

2.  I've given my contact information to my mom's nursing home.  I headed over there today to read to Mom and to make sure that the nursing staff knew who to contact while I'm overseas.  I also took over gifts for all the nursing staff on Mom's wing.  This year I took some of my photographs of Mom and added some quotes about the elderly and/or caregiving to them, doctored the pics up a little with some digital scrapbooking elements and then put them in frames so that each nurse and aide could have a framed picture/quote.

3.  I've finished up some last-minute knitting.  This scarf is called "Counterpoint" and was designed by Jennifer Crawford.  It illustrates a type of knitting called "illusion knitting."  When you look at the scarf head-on, all you see are two-color striping.  When you lay the scarf down and look at it from an angle, you see the pattern emerge, which is a piano keyboard.  Neat, huh?

4.  I've set up a Global Messaging feature for my iPhone.  This way, I'll be able to send 50 text messages a month for just 20 cents per text message and it will just cost me $10 for the month.  Since I will be able to Skype to talk with my hubby, I really only want the convenience of texting for such things as letting him know when I arrive at the different airports on my way, etc.

5.  I've begun packing.  This is my big suitcase.  Oh, my!  After getting the baby's travel crib in it, I was left with about 1/4th of the suitcase interior left.  I have crammed as many of the Christmas gifts and books as I can which have been sent to me by family for the kids and I think the only thing of mine in this suitcase is my hairdryer.  That leaves me with a medium-size duffle bag shaped suitcase for my clothes.  Luckily, I'm taking very lightweight tops and it looks like I'll have to be content with just a few pairs of slacks.  On the bright side, once I get all this stuff delivered, I'll have plenty of room to put things I might purchase on my trip for the return home.  It's times like this when I think about one of my favorite action literary characters - Jack Reacher.  One of his trademarks is that he travels all over with only a toothbrush.  Man, I'd like to know his secret.  He sure wouldn't want me for a traveling companion.

What are YOUR Friday Fave Fives?  If you'd like to post your own, go over to Susanne's blog at Living to Tell the Story and read how you can join in the fun.


Willow said...

If you're going to stay in Jakarta you might want to take a skirt. Or you can buy one there. Even when we travel overseas these days, we only take a carryon bag, but then we aren't bringing a baby crib. I don't think I could travel with just a toothbrush either.

Have a wonderful time!! Selamat jalan! (Are you going to learn any Bahasa Indonesian?)

Karyn said...

I love the gifts for the nursing staff! How thoughtful.

The scarf is cool! Who's it for?

I hear ya on the packing! LOL

You leave today, right?! HAVE A GOOD TRIP!!!!!
I'll be thinking of you!