I've enjoyed my time at Wordpress but the creative side of me has been champing at the bit because my technical know-how just didn't give me the expertise to do the creative things I wanted to do with my blog's appearance. Let's face it. Unless you know some programming and/or pay someone to do it for you, you have Wordpress.com host your blog which means you are stuck with one of their templates which are pretty boring. Every time I'd see a really neat-looking blog, it always seemed to be a blogger blog.
Which brings me back full-circle. I'm slowly updating my blogger blog and will be posting from here now. I doubt that I'll figure out how to migrate all of my posts from Wordpress back over to here so I'll just make sure that there is a note back at the old address directing readers over here and vice versa. Just hang in there as I "play" a little, getting things set up. Oh, and that little munchkin in the photo? That's my first grandbaby.....Mikayla Joy, who was born this past December. Doesn't she look like a future knitter, for sure?
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