Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Knitter's Hand

I almost forgot to post my Project 365 picture today.  Since it's bedtime, I figured I'd better not try to do something too complicated so I snapped a picture of something close at hand, so to speak.

 Project 365 - May 30, 2010 (Day 3)

I've been crocheting all afternoon and most of the evening so this hand has been getting quite a workout.  It's also the hand that gets the most workout when I knit and when I spin.  I've knit Continental-style for years and you can see how my index finger has gradually become twisted and slightly deformed from controlling the tension of the yarn.  The middle finger is just arthritic so that's its excuse for being swollen and slightly twisted.  But I thank God that I have hands and that they still work.

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