Monday, September 13, 2010

I Need a Viewing Secretary

I've been a delinquent girl lately.....delinquent in the fact that I haven't been blogging like I usually do. I'm blaming it on two things - books and DVDs.  I've discovered the joys of getting an entire TV season on DVD and going on a viewing marathon.  Yup, I finished up the entire (and ONLY) season of "Moonlight", worked my way through the first two seasons of "True Blood", got caught up on both seasons of "Vampire Diaries," (What can I say? I was raised on "Dark Shadows.) viewed Season 1 of "Being Human"  and the Commander and I are trying to start with Season 1 and work our way up to today with "Eureka."  I also have 3 other series sitting in my cupboard waiting to be viewed.

In addition to those, I have been enjoying reading on my Kindle and flew through an entire series by one author (9 books) in a week and a half.  Now I know I've shared with y'all that I'm a tad obsessive-compulsive and NEVER do anything just halfway so the only thing that stopped me on that reading binge is that I now have to wait for that particular author to write another book.  Humph!  Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on one's viewpoint) I have plenty more books to read.

And NOW, oh my......I sat down with the new TV Guide which has been full, just absolutely FULL, I tell you, of ravings about all the new shows coming out and the returns of all the old favorites and I tried to make up a list of ones that we plan to watch.  OK, here is what I came up with:

Dancing with the Stars - Mondays at 8
Castle - Mondays at 10
Hawaii 5-0 - Mondays at 10
Glee - Tuesdays at 8
NCIS - Tuesdays at 8
NCIS Los Angeles - Tuesdays at 9
Survivor - Wednesdays at 8
Vampire Diaries - Thursdays at 8
Mentalist - Thursdays at 10
The Good Guys - Fridays at 9
Eureka - Fridays at 9
Human Target - Fridays at 8
Being Human - Saturdays at 9
Amazing Race - Sundays at 8

Houston, we have a problem!  Thank goodness for FiOS and the fact that we can record 2 different shows while we watch another, I think.  Oy!

On the plus side, I AM getting a lot of knitting done when I watch TV.  This is the Dana Hurt square for my Great American Aran Afghan.  There are some boo-boos in it but that's ok.  It wouldn't be "me" without a few quirks.

Can't sign off without a pic of our little granddaughter, Mika, who is now pulling herself up and standing, according to our #1 son.  She also has two teeth.  Wow!  Can't wait to see her again.

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Mika has grown SO MUCH! But she is still as cute as a button!