Friday, July 08, 2011

Feel-Good Friday

It's Friday and time for another "Fave Five" highlights from my week.  I don't have to think very hard to come up with five blessings this week. How about you?  Here is my list of five:

1.  Great Biopsy Results - Topping the list (and I won't shock you with pictures) is the fact that I got my stitches removed from the site where they cut out the mole and I also finally got the results back from the tissue biopsy of the mole itself.  The mole was benign.  Yay!  That is such a relief and such an answer to prayer.  I'm glad to have the whole thing behind me now.  I even made it through the stitches removal on my own, without dragging the Commander with me.  I DID sing while the technician was taking the stitches out.  It was a "4-song" procedure WITH repeats but she finally got them all out.  Thank goodness because I was running out of songs and verses.

2.  Fresca the Wonder Dog got her summer clip.  She's feeling much perkier now and is no longer leaving clumps of fur rolling around the house like tumbleweeds.

3.  My Schacht Sidekick spinning wheel arrived.  Schacht has finally designed a travel wheel and it is great.  I even managed to set it up myself and have started spinning this colorful Corriedale fiber from Southern Cross Fibre which I specifically picked out of my stash because it was color-coordinated with the turquoise wheel.  Sometimes I amaze myself.

4.  I'm making progress on the Shadow Boxes Cardigan.  This is the back piece.  It is an example of "illusion knitting."  Using a mix of garter stitch and stockinette stitch, you can create patterns that appear when you view your garment from certain angles.

In this case, it is a "checkerboard" design that shows up along the bottom of the cardigan.  There will also be a different design on the sleeves. I'm using some very soft, heathery alpaca yarn which is so nice to work with that I have to remind myself that I have to keep knitting and NOT stop to fondle the fabric. 

5.  Our son posted some more pictures of little Mika this week for us on Facebook.  He also put up a little video of her running around "scaring" family members with a big stuffed snake toy and laughing uproariously.  It is so much fun to see her developing a sense of humor and to watch her begin to play "make-believe."  Babies are sweet but oh, how much fun when they reach the stage where their personalities really are developing and their creativity is emerging.  NOW we're getting into my area of expertise!  Whee!

So what have been the highlights of your week?  Why not go over to Living to Tell the Story, where you can find out the details on how you can join in the "Fave Five" blogging fun?


aspiritofsimplicity said...

Well my fave of your faves is that your results all came back good...but that little granddaughter is so so cute!

ellen b. said...

Hi Dee!
PTL that your biopsy results were benign. Very good news.
Doggie looks great! I hope Willow comes to visit. She's a knitter and a spinner too. How fun for you to see your granddaughter in photos and video. Have a great weekend.

artsyfish said...

So glad the biopsy was negative! now you can enjoy the rest of the summerwithout a care!

Susanne said...

I cannot believe how fast little Mika is growing. What a sweetie.

Glad to hear of the good reports of your biopsy. I smiled at your singing distraction because if I did that that I'd clear the room and have no one to remove my stitches. LOL.

Willow said...

Hi Dee,
Willow, here. Loving your new wheel! Ooooh, turquoise? I haven't seen this new Schacht.

Have you tried spinning Fresca's hair?

I'm so glad for you that the mole was benign. Having had those biopsies myself, I know the relief.

Mika is growing so fast! I love that age :)