Monday, January 09, 2012

My Other Car is A....

Have you seen those bumper stickers on people's cars, the ones that other car is a "BMW" or a "Mercedes", or whatever it is they wish they were driving?  Well, I guess I mentally have one of those on my back.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm very grateful for my new van. If it weren't for the "Nanamobile," we wouldn't have been able to go all over with the grandkids in the car when they were visiting.  It made life a lot easier.  However, I REALLY miss my little Pontiac Vibe sometimes.

You see, I'm one of those people that sees their car as an extension of themselves.  When I was driving my fire-engine red Vibe, I felt "special."  That Vibe was quirky, bold, and zippy.  It looked like it could almost be a sports car, if it put its mind to it.  The back was covered with bumper stickers and decals that all reflected my own distinctive personality and interests.

Now I have a Toyota Sienna minivan.  It is BIG and solid and functional.  There is nothing zippy about it.  I can't even see the front of it when I'm driving and that makes for interesting parking.  I'm still at that stage where I have to drive around a parking lot until I find a pull-through spot OR park way out in the Boonies so that I can be assured that I will have plenty of room to maneuver when it is time to back out. Nobody takes a second look at this vehicle and thinks "Now THERE goes a free spirit!"

I couldn't even get it in a bold color.  Toyota didn't offer it in any bright, bold colors.  They were all kind of "blah."  I settled for a green that looks gray on most days.  Aaargh, the agony of it all.  And miles per gallon?  Man, I'm going through gas like Elizabeth Taylor went through husbands.

I just have to console myself with the fact that I did it for the grandchildren.  Oh, and there IS the benefit of those factory-installed seatwarmers on a cold winter's day.  I may not be driving a unique car anymore but at least my buns are warm.  Booyah!

1 comment:

Karyn said... warmers. Gotta love those things! I wouldn't buy a vehicle without them ever again.

I think your van is lovely - and NOT too big. You should try driving my truck. I never park where there isn't a pull through or nothing behind me. Makes for extra walking, for sure.

I know what you mean, though....I love to zip around in my Jetta - especially when it comes to parking. LOL