Monday, May 31, 2010

A Project Begun is Half Done

Are you having a good Memorial Day weekend?  I had high hopes to accomplish quite a bit this weekend but I must confess that I started several things but haven't made a lot of progress on anything.  Perhaps one good reason for that is Fresca the Wonder Dog.  You can see what she does to me, can't you?  How can I resist that pleading little face?  She is always following me around the house, trying to distract me from the task at hand.

She's also good at waking us up early.  At 6 a.m. she was outside our bedroom door whining.  I finally gave up and got up so there I was at 6:30 am., making broccoli salad while Miss Fresca cavorted around by my feet.  Yawn!  I wasn't the only one up early as I noticed our neighbor sitting out on his sunporch.  He must like to commune with nature early in the morning.  He was looking away from our house and that's why I know that he isn't inclined to commune with our weeds.

I had high hopes to cut out the prayer quilt this morning but things just weren't coming together.  I was second-guessing my fabric choices and choice of pattern.  So I was pouring over my quilt books but you know how that goes.....then you can't find the fabric in your stash that will go with the patterns that look promising.  Finally I told the Commander to just go ahead and fire up the grill because we might as well have an early supper.  I wasn't getting anything else done.

I found the "Burgermeister" sitting down on the job when I went out to check on him a half hour later but the hamburgers eventually were cooked and we had a simple but nice Memorial Day meal.  I think we might be heading over to Rita's Italian Ice to top off the meal with a little dessert later in the day.
Back to my prayer quilt story.

While we were eating (why is it that I always get good ideas when there is food involved?) I got an idea in my mind of a quilted prayer shawl design.  After I'd done the dishes, I went back upstairs to my cutting table, rummaged through my stash again, and this time I managed to find several more complimentary fabrics to go with some that I had recently purchased.  I did my rudimentary cuts and now everything is down in my sewing room where I'm hopeful that the design will come together in the stitching.  It's nothing fancy but I think it will look nice and be an encouragement to this parishioner who is hurting.  Not surprisingly after all that, my Project 365 picture for the day is related to the prayer quilt shawl.

 Project 365 - May 31, 2010 (Day 4)

The fabric has been cut and brought down to the sewing room and now we'll see if this project in my head will actually come together into a quilted prayer shawl.

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